The Life Of The Prophets (Salutation On Them) Is More Elevated Than The Life Of The Martyrs

Allaamah Qaazi Sanaa-ul-Laah Saahib Paani Patti (Allaah have mercy on him) says:

Rather the life of the Prophets, is much stronger than the life of the Martyrs’ [Shuhadaa] and in manifestation it is much more elevated. Till here, that to marry [do Nikaah] with the sacred wives of the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaiehi Wa Sallam) is not allowed after death [departing from the world]. In contrary to the Martyrs, marriage [Nikaah] is permitted with their wives. And also, the same way the Truthful [Siddeeqeen] in existence are in higher rank than the Martyrs [Shaheed] and the Friends of Allaah [Saaliheen] meaning the sacred Friends of Allaah [Auliyaa-e-Kiraam] are lower than the Martyrs but they are adjoining to them like the Order of the Saying of Almighty Allaah proves it. It’s said,

(Tafseer-e-Mazharee, vol-1, pg. 152)

Excerpt from the Book ‘Zikr e Jameel’ by Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Shafee Okarvi [Rahmatul Laah Alaieh]