As Salaamu Alaiekum Wa Rahmatul Laahi Wa Barakaatuhu!……
Marhabaa & Welcome to our site…
ALHAMDU LIL LAAH!!! Proudly announcing the launch of our new site,entirely dedicated to ZIKR E JAMEEL…
to read more please click on the green bar below.
در رسولﷺ پے لے چل جنون عشق مجھے
بغیر آقاﷺ کے گزرے، زندگی کیا ہے۔۔
Centuries have passed, whoever loved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ and his remembrance, mentioned his apparent and moral beauty in one’s speeches and writings not only got blessed with the love but many such names became respected and loved due to love of Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ.
The historians of the world have whole-hardheartedly admitted that Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) is that supreme model of human conduct and behavior that we are enjoined to emulate and imitate. \”As regards all standards by which human greatness is measured, we may ask, is there any one greater than Prophet Muhammad?\” (Lamartine)
The Beautiful Teaching of Islaam, as taught to us by the legendary,Founder\’s and Pioneers of Ahle Sunnat Wa Jamaa\’at…the true Aashiq e Rasool of their times
[May their Grace Continues…Aameen,]
Our vision is defined by our logo of ‘Zikr e Jameel’, which translates as ‘Reviving the Glorious Beauty & the Magnificent Message of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Our foremost intention and goal is to propagate the acquisition of traditional sacred knowledge, the Aqeedah [Faith] of “Ahle Sunnat Wa Jamaa’at”
Our discipline is implanted in the love of Allaah Kareem, in the love of Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and in the love of Auliyaa e Kiraam.taught to us by the legendary Aashiqaan e Rasool ﷺ the Okarvi\’s.That is our honor…