The Friends of Allaah are Bestowed Kun

Saiyyidinaa Ghaus e A’zam (Allaah be pleased with him) says, that when the Auliyaa and Abdaal [Friends of Allaah and the Designated Saints] after attaining excellence of annihilation [fanaaiyat] become [Faani Fil Laah Baaqi Bil Laah] then, “Kun” is bestowed to them.

Therefore, he says, And this is the condition of Fanaa, which is the extreme of the condition of Auliyaa and Abdaal.

Then they are bestowed “Takween” (to say Kun), so then whatever they want, all that happens with the Order of Allaah, therefore; it is the saying of Almighty Allaah, it is stated in His Book that,

“O son of Aa’dam, I am Allaah, there is no one Worthy of Worship [Deity] beside Me. I am that, if I say to anything that Be, then it happens. You also obey Me, I will also make you such, that you will also say to something, to be, it will happen.”

(Futuuhul Ghaieb Alaa Bahjatul Asraar, pg. 109)

Excerpt from the Book ‘Zikr e Jameel’ by Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Shafee Okarvi [Rahmatul Laah Alaieh].