Even sickness for a Muslim is a blessing of Allaah [Ta’aalaa]. The reason for this is that if a pious person falls ill, then his status is elevated and if a sinner falls ill then his sins are forgiven. To visit a sick person is known as “Ieeyaadat.” This is to show human kindness and […]
Eid Meelaad un Nabee- Proclaim the Blessing of your Rabb- Islam’s First Eid -Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi And remember and proclaim the blessings of your Rabb Therefore, it is proved from the Qur’aan itself that the day when a blessing descends from heaven is a day of Eid. We are enjoined by the Qur’aan […]
Mehfil e Meelaad Shareef held at University Karachi on 17th Feb 2015
Eid Meelaad Un Nabee Juloos 2015 Karachi Pakistan -Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi
ذکر جمیل اور اس کے مصنف کا مختصر تعارف از قلم: رئیس المحدثین، امام المتکلمین، غزالیٔ دوران، رازی زمان، حضرت علامہ مولانا سید احمد سعید شاہ صاحب کاظمی امروہوی دامت برکاتہم العالیہ (مہتمم مدرسہ اسلامیہ انوار العلوم۔ ملتان) ﷽ نَحْمَدُہٗ وَ نُصَلِّی عَلٰی رَسُوْلِہِ الْکَرِیْمِ ابتدائی حالات فاضل جلیل الحاج مولانا الحافظ محمد شفیع صاحب […]
Public Speech- Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi-Mehfil Meelaad Un Nabee- 2014 Kaukab Noorani Okarvi Public Speech Allama Kaukab Noorani Okarvi by shifatv