WHITE & BLACK-DEOBANDI- ISM Caught in its own trap -Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi
Continued White & Black
Excerpt…by Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi
This servant of the Ahl-e-Sunnat-Wa-Jama’at has already presented to his readers a brief booklet entitled “From Deoband to Bareilly: the truth”. Among the contents of the booklet was an account of the true import of the basic difference between the Sunni (Bareilvi) and the Deobandi Wahaabis, and, also, of a possible end to all the differences between the two.
To say to every thing ‘I will not accept it’ is an incurable disease All the same, every wise, realistic and just person would have, through the booklet, become fully aware of the truth and also that whatever differences that exist between the two groups are total and principled. By the grace of Allaah this booklet by this humble person became popular and, because of it, thousands of people got the opportunity to correct their beliefs and to be steadfast on the truth. This did not happen because of the effectiveness of the words I used or the way I presented them. All this happened because of the power of truth and the grace of the holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]
Adversaries and opponents, also, said that what I was doing was no service to Islaam. Instead, they advised me to work against non-Muslims or for the betterment of society. It is amazing that they become angry if the same advice is given to them. Yet the first thing I would say by way of reply is that such advice is never effective if the enmity of the adversaries and the opponents is founded merely on opposition for opposition sake and on adamancy, and because the real motive behind them is that they should not be exposed and their nefarious activities are not taken notice of, and people may not become disgusted with them. Secondly, I would like to point out that perhaps our adversaries are used to seeing only one aspect of a thing and because of their shortsightedness they do not see right. If they were to see both aspects, then there would be no cause for differences to creep up because it is difficult to deny truth. The third thing is that they usually are dependent upon their masters and arc their yes men and they are devoid of all wisdom, perception and good conduct. Even if they have these things in small measure, they are not allowed to make use of them because after selling oneself to somebody else there is no occasion to use one’s own knowledge and his own volition. Fourthly, it would be foolish to expect positive thinking from persons who have become used to negative thinking. Fifthly, it would be futile to expect opinion based on reality from him who has become habituated to seeing things in other’s mirror and to avoid reality.
It is a pity that these Deobandi Wahaabis do not have the heart to acknowledge exemplary services rendered by the right-guided ulama of the Ahle-Sunnat-Wa-Jama’at even when they are fully aware of these. The writings and the speeches of the ulama of Deoband bear testimony to the fact that they have no connection with good conduct.
As it is, we of the Ahl-e-Sunnat are not -at all harmed by what they do or say. Actually, we are pleased at heart when they choose us for slandering. This, because so long as they are engaged in upbraiding us then for that period we prevent them at least from being insolent to the unblemished personality of the holy Prophet, the beloved of Allaah. This is a good enough success.
But as far as I am concerned, I wish they may say whatever they may have to say about me but they should desist from being insolent to the lofty personality of the beloved of the Creator (Sallal Laahu Alaiehi Wa sallam) and thus throwing a challenge to my Islaamic spirit.