The concept of Eid is attached with happiness and happiness comes from success. Success is not what we declare as success. Success is in fact that which Allaah Ta’aalaa states is success. The count of days of the month of Ramadaan, are completing. Laielatul Jaa’izah (first new moon of the night of Shawwaal) is […]
The Holy Prophet Muhammad [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam] was the most generous among-st the people, and he used to be more so in the month of Ramadaan when Hazrat Jibraaeel [Alaiehis Salaam] visited him, and He used to meet him on every night of Ramadaan till the end of the month. The Prophet […]
We should not forget them our fellow Muslim families. How will they be celebrating this year? The people of Palestine Chechnya, Kashmir, Afghanistan and all those who lost their loved one due to terrorists attacks all over the world and people who suffer throughout the year due to injustice. These people are probably the […]
Q.6: How many kinds of fast are there? A. There are five kinds of fast i.e. (1). “Fard”(Farz), (2). “Waajib”, (3). “Nafil”, (4). “Makrooh Tanzeehi” and (5). “Makrooh Tahreemi”. Q.7: How many kinds of Fard and Waajib fasts are there? A. There are two kinds of (each) Fard and Waajib fasts i.e. “Mo’aie-yan” (fixed, appointed) […]