Jum’ah Mubaarak- March -3 -2014- Dear readers, allow me to go into a little bit of detail. It is mandatory for every Muslim to propagate religion but only after acquiring full knowledge of all branches of Religion; one should not begin to consider himself to be a religious scholar only after going through translations of […]
Preserving the affection and respect of Parents is much emphasize in Islaam, and repaying this compassion with kindness is an obligation that is directly partnered with Tauheed:{“…and your Lord ordained that you worship only Him, and that you treat your parents with excellence…”} [Al-Israa’; 23]And disobedience to them is directly partnered with kufr.
The concept of Eid is attached with happiness and happiness comes from success. Success is not what we declare as success. Success is in fact that which Allaah Ta’aalaa states is success. The count of days of the month of Ramadaan, are completing. Laielatul Jaa’izah (first new moon of the night of Shawwaal) is […]
أبو عبدالله القرطبي Allamaah #Qurtabiرحمۃاللہ has narrated this Hadees Shareef from his Shaiekh, “Death is not the name of only dying but it is the transfer from one world to another world. Verily, martyrs are alive even after their murder and death, they eat, drink and are happy. These are the signs of alive […]
To Celebrate the “URS” of the Auliyaa Allaah and visit their Mazaar Shareef’ Urs is the day of the passing away of the noble Saints and Prophets. The word Urs has been taken from the Hadees: “Sleep just like the bride.” (Mishkaat Shareef) The Angels say to the Pious in the grave, “Sleep with […]
Haqeeqat e Abadee Hai Maqaam e ShabbeereeBadaltay Rehtay Hayñ Andaaz e Kofi o Shaamee (Standpoint and the status of Shabbeer (Imaam Husaien) is the Reality of Eternity The styles of Kofee and Shaami have been changing) Written by Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi The sacred Holy Qur’aan has commanded the love and adoration of the close […]
Hazrat Abu Hurairaa (Allaah be pleased with him) reported Rasoolul Laah (ﷺ) as saying: When a man dies, his acts come to an end, but three, recurring charity, or knowledge (by which people) benefit, or a pious son, who prays for him (for the deceased). #Hadees