A slave of Rabb of all the worlds and a follower (Ummatee) of Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم am I. To all four friends…I give allegiance and am subservient to Hazrat Alee\’s [Radiyal Laahu Anhu] progeny.Hanafi is my creed, and I belong to Hazrat Ibraaheem Khaleel ul Laah\’s Millat. Dust from under the feet of Ghaus A\’zam [Rahmatul Laah Alaieh], I am a devotee of all (Auliyaa) the friends of ALLAAH سبحانہ و تعا لی.

Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat \’Umar, Hazrat \’Usmaan, Hazrat \’Alee

Hazrat Imaam Hasan, Hazrat Imaam Husaien (Radiyal Laahu \’Anhuma)…Excerpt Islaam First Eid.

He has been called \”Khateeb-e-Millat\” (Orator of the Nation) by majority of his admirers and followers. He wanted to become a researcher and a professor but his father wanted him to become a religious and spiritual scholar like him. Therefore, initially part-time and then in 1984, after his father\’s death, Okarvi started giving formal orations and teaching….read on

العلامة كوكب نوراني أوكاروي (مولود في 17 أغسطس سنة 1957 ميلادية -1377هجرية) يعد أحد أشهر العلماء الإسلاميين وهو في نفس الوقت باحث وخطيب وكاتب وناقد ينتسب لجماعة أهل السنة والجماعة السنية (بريلوية), وهو يحتل مكانة كبيرة ودور مميز بين القواد الروحانيين الإسلاميين في هذه الحقبة عند البريلويين حول العالم. إنه يشتهر بين تابعيه ومخلصيه باسم خطيب الملة, وهو ابن مجدد مسلك أهل السنة الخطيب الأعظم الباكستاني حضرة مولانا حافظ محمد شفيع أوكاروي.[1] قالب:أهل السنة والجماعة ألحنفية البريلوية

علامہ ڈاکٹر محمد کوکبِ نورانی اوکاڑوی علامہ محمد شفیع اوکاڑوی[1] ماہِ محرم الحرام ، 17اگست 1957ء بوقتِ فجر صبح صادق بمقام سلطان مینشن عقب بولٹن مارکیٹ کراچی میں پیدا ہوئے ، آپ راسخ العقیدہ اور متصلّب سُنّی حنفی ہیں۔آپ کا پیدائشی نام عقیقہ کے موقع پر ’’ احمد ‘‘ رکھا گیا آپ نے پورے نام کا سجع یوں کہا ہے،

؂ کوکبِ نورانی را اَحمد ( ﷺ ) شفیع


\”My first love was with books. At the age of six years I started collecting them. Up till now my personal library has a collection of over 50,000 books.\”These books are in Arabic, Persian, English and Urdu languages. They are of a wide variety of topics including Islam and all its teachings, Urdu literature, fiction, science, history and general knowledge.Some of his books are used as reference texts by students and scholars…Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

I do not for one moment fear death or hurt at the hands of my adversaries. The only wish embedded in my heart and mind is that when my soul departs from my body then my eyes are set on the glorious face of my beloved Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaiehi wa Sallam) and my lips are busy in sending salutations to him. I only pray that profitable knowledge along with steadfastness be my destiny. I beseech everybody to join me in this prayer. I have already said that it has never been my intention to hurt the feelings of anybody by tongue or by writing, even inadvertently, or to cause split or division within the Muslim Ummah.


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