Hazrat Shaiekh Abdul Qaadir Jeelaani [Radiyal Laahu ‘Anhu]- THe Beloved of Allaah Kareem

Hazrat Shaiekh Abdul Qaadir Jeelaani [Radiyal Laahu ‘Anhu]- THe Beloved of Allaah Kareem

hazrat shaiekh abdul qaadir jeelaani allama kokab noorani okarvi

Allaah Kareem says
in the Holy Qur’aan,
in the 25th
 Verse 64


who pass the night [in adoration] for their Lord in prostration and standing
Allaah Almighty  Averts Punishment Of The Disobedient Because
Auliya Allaah
praising Allaah Kareem
and blessing His beloved Holy Prophet (Salawaat),
recited a verse of the Holy Qur’aan.
In this verse Allaah Kareem
has mentioned an attribute of His beloved servants. He says that His accepted
and beloved servants, their prominence is this that they spend nights in
prostration [sajda]
before their Creator. He states:  

pass the night [in adoration] for their Lord How do they spend it?

prostration and standing [qiyaam]
rest of the world is asleep and dreaming but the servants of the Merciful Allaah
Kareem, His
accepted servants, spend their nights, for Allaah Kareem,
soaked in His love, praying salaah,
standing (qiyaam),
bowing (ruuku)
prostrating (sajdaah).
reality is this that because of these worshipful and pondering or reflecting (fikr)
servants this world retains stability and we are saved from the punishment of
Allaah Kareem.Excerpt lecture translation of Hazrat Maulana Shafee Okarvi [Rahmatul Laahi Alaieh]