Some of the famous laurels awarded to Hazrat Faatimah (May Allaah be pleased with her) are Baatool, Zahraa, Taiyyibah, Tahiraah, and Zakiyaa. She is called Batool because throughout her lifetime she did not love this world and adopted independence from it. The titles Zahraa, Taiyyibah, and Taahirah reveal her purity. Such purity has not and will not […]
Dua to read on the day of Aashooraa-Auraad e Mashaa’ikh- Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi
Muharram 18: Hazrat Saiyyidinaa Imaam Zaien ul Aabideen Ali Ausat [Radiyal Laahu ‘Anhu]
Every act of goodness is rewarded. Rewards are given based on the sincerity of the intention. Fasting is the only worship about which Allaah Kareem has said that He Himself is the reward for it. This means that one develops such a close relationship with Almighty Allaah that Allaah Kareem Himself becomes the helper. The […]
9TH MUHARRAM- THE EVENTS OF KARBALAA-Hazrat Maulana Shafee Okarvi [Rahmatul Laahi Alaieh]…to read please click on the link and image.
Love your parents Love your parents and consider this act as a privilege and a source of reward in the eternal world. Hazrat Ibn ‘Abbas [Radiyal Laahu Anhu] relates that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) have said : “The pious offspring who casts a single look of affection at […]