Mercy to the Worlds- Taahaa- Yaaseen -Basheer – Nazeer- Siraaj e Muneer- Prophet [Peace be Upon Him]
Mercy to the Worlds- Taahaa- Yaaseen -Basheer – Nazeer- Siraaj e Muneer- Prophet [Peace be Upon Him]
readers, just reflect, the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam) is the beloved of Allaah Almighty, is the Prophet of the Prophets and
the Messenger of the Messengers, is the mercy to the worlds, is the intercessor
on behalf of the sinners, is the Taahaa (the resplendent full moon) and
the Yaaseen (the commander of mankind), is the Basheer (the giver
of glad tidings) and the Nazeer (warner to the waywardness), is the
Siraaj-e-Muneer (the illuminating sun) (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam) love of him, obedience to him, following him
and slavery to him no doubt guarantee our success, our goodness and surety of
our salvation…..
Excerpt- Deoband to Bareilly by Allaamah Kauakb Noorani Okarvi