In Karachi which is also lovingly called “Uroos ul Bilaad” Bridal City of Pakistan this was the first center to be established and build with
the [Eesaal e Sawaab’s] contribution and donation money, given in the name of the Beloved Prophet Muhammad
[ Sallal Laahu ‘Alaieh Wa Sallam]
And in the name of all the Prophets[Alaiehis Salaato wa salaam],Sahabaa’s , the Pious Predecessors the progeny
[Ahle Baiet e Nabuwat],the Martyrs
[Shuhadaa’s]of Badr,Ulaama’s ,Scholars,Auliyaa e Islaam [Rizwan Allaah Alaiehim Ajmaieen], and all the Ummat e Muhammadiya
[May Allaah The Most Sublime, Shower His Endless Mercy upon them all]
Thus this place from the beginning was en-kindled by the Faiz and Blessings of these Great Association’s [Nisbat] Love and Devotion…read on