Some of the famous laurels awarded to Hazrat Faatimah (May Allaah be pleased with her) are Baatool, Zahraa, Taiyyibah, Tahiraah, and Zakiyaa. She is called Batool because throughout her lifetime she did not love this world and adopted independence from it. The titles Zahraa, Taiyyibah, and Taahirah reveal her purity. Such purity has not and will not […]
“I have not seen any one of Allaah’s [Ta’aalaa] creation resemble the Prophet of Allaah [Peace be upon Him] more in speech, conversation and manner of sitting than [Hazrat] Faatimah [Radiyal Laah Anhaa] When the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] saw her approaching, he would welcome her, stand up and kiss her, take […]