The Friendship of Allaah [Walaayat] is of three kinds…

.Friends of Allaah- Auliyaa Allaah and thier Grades-
And their excellence is also in the same order.
1. Fitree (Born):
Those who are Friends of Allaah Kareem (also known
as the holy masters) by birth.
2. Wahbee (Gifted):
Those who become Friends of Allaah, by someone’s
gracious glance (nazar-e-Karam) and bounty  (faiez).
3. Kasbee (Earned):
Those who become Friends of Allaah Kareem by hard
work and devotion. Meaning, through abundant worship
with sincerity and purity.
Excerpt- Auraad e Mashaa’ikh