Saying of Rasoolul Laah [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]’I am the city of knowledge and ‘Alee is its gate’, HIS FATHER: His father was Hazrat Abu Taalib and grandfather was Abdul Mutallib. Abu Taalib was the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]. HIS MOTHER: His mother’s name was Faatimaah bint Asad, […]
1460th Birthday (Yaum e Wilaadat Mubaarak) of Ameer ul Mumineen Hazrat Saiyyidinaa Alee (Karramal Laahu Wajhahul Kareem)
Hazrat Saiyyidinaa ALI-Alee (Karramal Laahu Wajhu) Supporter of the Universe (Maulaa-e-Kaainaat) and the Chief of the Friends of Allaah (سيد الأولياء Saiyyidul -Auliyaa) ‘Alee Murtazaa (Allaah be pleased with him)“He whose spiritual guide I am, Alee [Ali] is also his spiritual guide. Oh Allaah, You keep him as your friend who keeps Alee as his […]
HIS VAST KNOWLEDGE: Hazrat Ali/Alee [Radiyal Laahu Anhu].attained great knowledge from the holy court of Rasoolul laah [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]. Hazrat Abu Amaar [Radiyal Laahu Anhu] reports that Hazrat Alee… said, “Ask me whatever you wish from the Quraan. There is no Ayaat that I am not aware of. I even know whether […]
1460th Birthday (Yaum e Wilaadat Mubaarak) of Ameer ul Mumineen Hazrat Saiyyidinaa Alee (Karramal Laahu Wajhahul Kareem)(Date of Birth : 13th Rajab – 23 years before Hijrah, 30 years after Aamul feel) Save