9TH MUHARRAM- THE EVENTS OF KARBALAA-Hazrat Maulana Shafee Okarvi [Rahmatul Laahi Alaieh]…to read please click on the link and image. http://www.allamahkaukabnooraniokarvi.com/the-events-of-karbalaa.html
Muharram 18: Hazrat Saiyyidinaa Imaam Zaien ul Aabideen Ali Ausat [Radiyal Laahu ‘Anhu]
When Hazrat Maalik bin Hubairaah (May Allaah be pleased with him) offered a funeral prayer and found a small number of participants, he would divide them into three rows and would say that the Prophet of Allaah (ﷺ) said, “If three rows of men offer funeral prayer over anyone, his entry into Jannah will become […]
Aamir Liaquat Husaien TV Program- Allamah Kaukab Noorani -Muharram transmission # Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi Watch “Dr Amir Liaquat With Allama Kaukab Noorani Okarvi …” on YouTube – Dr Amir Liaquat With Allama Kaukab Noorani Okarvi
#Imamhusayn #Imamhussain #Karbala #Muharram #Okarvi #KaukabNooraniOkarvi AHLE BAIET…HAZRAT IMAAM HUSAIEN[Radiyal Laahu Anhu]The prince whom the beloved Holy Prophet(Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam) would place on his shoulders, who climbed on to the Lord of the Worlds during Salaat who would in turn would extend his prostration so that the prince did not fall off his […]